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Donuts kratom

We start with the finest-grade kratom leaves, sourced directly from the dedicated farmers who grow them. These exceptional kratom leaves are meticulously extracted to create our exclusive “Golden Kratom Extract.” Throughout the proprietary extraction process, we maintain the use of food-grade ingredients, ensuring that no harmful solvents or excipients are introduced during production. This meticulous approach enables us to achieve an impressive yield of up to 98% total alkaloids and 45% Mitragynine from the kratom leaves. But what truly sets our extract apart is its rich secondary alkaloid profile, containing up to 10-20% or more of alkaloids like Paynantheine, Speciogynine, and Speciocilatine. It’s this unique balance of the primary alkaloid, Mitragynine, with the secondary alkaloids that imparts exceptional qualities to our extract and is part of what makes Donuts Kratom shots so special.

Donuts Kratom shots come in 30mL bottles and are available in two distinct strengths:

  • The Original 100mg

    • Each bottle of The Original 100mg contains 100mg of our premium kratom extract.

    • This extract boasts an approximate 45% Mitragynine concentration, translating to roughly 45mg of Mitragynine per bottle.

    • The suggested serving size is 10mL, equivalent to 1/3 of the bottle, providing 15mg of Mitragynine.

  • The Gold Shot 250mg

    • Each bottle of Gold Shot 250mg contains 250mg of our premium kratom extract.

    • This extract boasts an approximate 45% Mitragynine concentration, translating to roughly 112.5mg of Mitragynine per bottle.

    • The suggested serving size is 10mL, equivalent to 1/3 of the bottle, providing 37.5mg of Mitragynine.

Rest assured, our product is quality-checked through third-party lab testing.

Flavorful Journey: Savor the exquisite blends of watermelon, strawberry, mango, and blue raspberry

Potent Punch: Packed with 100 or 250mg of extract

Direct from the Source: Sourced directly from the farmer, ensuring the authenticity and quality of our kratom extract.

Lab-Tested Assurance: Your safety is our priority. Our product undergoes rigorous third-party lab testing for quality and purity.

Warning: Keep out of reach of children and animals. Only for individuals aged 21 or older. Kratom may cause intoxication, with effects possibly delayed up to two hours. Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should avoid kratom. Consumption may impair driving and machinery operation—use with extreme caution. Take full responsibility for your purchase and consumption. Always consult with a physician before using kratom products.

Take a wild ride with Donuts Kratom Shot and experience the magic of premium kratom infused with delicious flavors!


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